Maranatha—The Lord is Coming

Last-day events are brought together to form an inspired preview of the closing events of Earth’s history.
Vendor: homehealth
Delivery date: 1 week
Old price: Ksh1,700.00
Availability: 10000 in stock

The hearts of God’s people, young and old, throb with intense longing for that day of deliverance so near at hand. With fast-fulfilling prophecy confirming their faith in the imminence of our Lord’s return, the White Estate Trustees commissioned this compilation of readings clustering about the general theme of eschatology, with emphasis upon the coming of our Lord. The collection would be incomplete without readings dealing with the signs that mark the approach of the coming King, the events that transpire in relationship to His second appearing, His millennial reign in glory, and insights into prophecies to be fulfilled at the close of the thousand years of silence, during which Satan is a prisoner on earth.

You’ll find the material is straightforward, frank and stirring. The message will bring an awakening of the truest kind, preparing you for the end times. Maranatha—The Lord is Coming!