
Healthy Juices

Discover the healthy power of drinks, which, apart from delighting us with their delicious flavors, contribute to the well-being of the body and help to combat and prevent many disorders.
Ksh9,700.00 Ksh9,600.00

101 Secrets to a Healthy Life

The time that you invest in reading this book will be like spending a couple of hours in the doctor’s offi ce, kindly talking with him. He takes time to clarify your doubts and provides you guidance on the best way you can do things to the benefi t of your health, on how to feel better and have more energy to enjoy life
Ksh6,200.00 Ksh5,900.00

Healthy foods

This book will help the reader to know the foods endowed with medicinal power better, and enjoy eating them as well
Ksh8,000.00 Ksh7,400.00

Healthy and Strong

Healthy and Strong represents an indispensable nutritional manual through the children development process, since pregnancy, lactation, and adolescence. Its reading and implementation of the exposed advices may imply the prevention of future health problems in our sons and daughters.
Ksh10,000.00 Ksh9,600.00

Healthy Body

This is a compendium of preventive medicine, written for those who wish to take care of their bodies; a veritable maintenance manual for the most complex and efficient machine of all.
Ksh9,800.00 Ksh9,600.00

Healthy Plants

Dr. Pamplona-Roger, physician and specialist in health education, describes for us a multitude of natural treatments, in simple, straightforward language, that places the healing characteristics of medicinal plants and their practical use within everyone’s reach.
Ksh7,800.00 Ksh7,400.00