Home health care

This book combines first aid measures and simple home treatments, addressing many of the health problems likely to occur, and explains how family members can apply effective remedies.
Vendor: homehealth
Delivery date: 1 week
Old price: Ksh3,000.00
Availability: 10000 in stock

While medicine has made great strides forward in dealing with illness and injury, there is nothing more disconcerting than not being able to deal with accidents and health crises at home.

This hard-cover 112-page book explains:

  • How to give first aid
  • Restoring breathing
  • Dealing with an unconscious person
  • Taking the pulse
  • Bleeding
  • Broken bones
  • Burns and scalds
  • Choking
  • Eye injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Heart attack
  • Poisoning
  • The first aid book
  • Water treatments
  • An A-Z of home remedies, including conditions and treatments.